Welcome to the Amber Valley Green Party

Campaigning for a better future.

Amber Valley Green Party is one of the local parties within the Green Party of England and Wales.

Green Party Councillors represent people living in Amber Valley on Derbyshire County Council, Amber Valley Borough Council and on three Town and Parish Councils.

The Green Party is a grass-roots organisation which puts local priorities into action. Its councillors are free to vote and act on every issue – they do not have to follow a top-down party line.

A vote for the Green Party in Amber Valley is a vote for:

  • robust infrastructure, enabling people to travel safely between their homes, shops, places of work and local amenities.

    This includes well-maintained roads, regular and reliable public transport and safe walking and cycling routes.
  • better health and well-being for everyone, with access to nature and cleaner air
  • energy from sustainable sources and lower bills through well-planned and insulated homes

Amber Valley Green Party is an active, vibrant and friendly party. We welcome new members and supporters.

To keep up-to-date with all our activities, find us on Facebook.

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