Who We Are

About Us

Amber Valley Green Party is one of the local parties within the Green Party of England and Wales.

Nationally, the Green Party is going from strength to strength, with four Green MPs in the House of Commons and two Green Peers in the House of Lords.  Nationally, there are over 800 local councillors with Greens in power or holding the balance of power on ever more councils.  There are three Green Members of the London Assembly.  Wherever they sit, all Greens share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies.  We believe fairness is worth fighting for and we rely on people power, rather than corporate finance in all that we do.

Here in Amber Valley, residents are represented by Green Councillors on Derbyshire County Council, Amber Valley Borough Council and on five Town and Parish Councils.We hold regular monthly meetings for anyone interested in Green issues or helping us to win more seats.  You don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to come along.  Usually we alternate between business meetings which focus on the ongoing work of the Party to see more Greens elected at all levels of government, and more informal social get-togethers where we talk about wider issues which concern anyone who cares about the environment, community and society.  Both events are a great way to meet and chat with like-minded people.  We encourage everyone to air their views, ask questions and get involved.

If you’d like to keep in touch with what’s happening in Amber Valley, sign up for our regular email.


Amber Valley Politics

Greens are working hard for the people of Amber Valley on our core issues of social justice and environmental sustainability.  We use regular surveys and door-knocking to find out what concerns residents and do our best to help.

As a minority party, we can’t decide what local councils do but, as we win more seats, we are able to exert more and more influence. The Green Party does not have “whips” to ensure that councillors vote according to a party platform.  Instead our councillors make up their own minds on the issues and, working cooperatively with all councillors and council officers, find the best solutions for local residents.

We deliver regular newsletters to residents to show the work of their councillors and campaigners, and how they are making a difference.  If you’d like to find out more, you’ll find many of these stories on our News page.  If you like what you see, and want to help elect a Green Councillor for your community, please join us.

Other Resources

The Green Party’s Manifesto for the 2024 General Election sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to build fairer, greener communities.

Our Manifesto isn’t like those of other parties. It isn’t based on short-term expediency and adapted to fit the latest polling; instead it has been built from policies developed and proposed by members and voted for at our conference. It looks to secure the long term future of the places and people they love.

It’s a vision for real hope and real change, and together we can deliver it.

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